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Shotover Red Helium lion shoot in the Mara

February 20, 2020

There is no better place for lion than in the Maasai Mara.  Equipped with a Red Helium mounted into a Shotover F1 gimbal, we captured some fantastic imagery for a private client in collaboration with Ginger Ink Films and Dubai Film.

Climbing Mt Kenya team building exercise

October 03, 2019

Bobu Africa Ltd tour company organised a three day climb up Mt Kenya as a team building exercise for Transsion Holdings mobile phone company "Together We Can".

Team members from East Africa and China came together for the climb and despite some of the team flying in from sea level on the Saturday, every single person summited on the Tuesday.  We were there to record the climb and edit a film for them.

Snakebite Awareness

July 27, 2019

Feral Film teamed up with Viewfinders Kenya and Highland Pictures from Washington DC to make a public awareness film on preventing snakebites and what to do and what not to do if bitten.  We used the Sony Venice camera with the aS7ii as second camera.


September 19th 2019 is International Snakebite Awareness Day. Narrated in multiple languages for Africa (English, Swahili, Hausa, Pidgin English, French and Arabic) and India (English, Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu and Bengali). These are ideal resources for community engagement activities on the ground or shared via WhatsApp groups to get right to a farmer's phone! Follow the link to download, view or share.

Changing lives - Empowering girls

September 23, 2018

New York University Dentistry Unit have a programme dealing with the developing world, where good oral hygiene can really transform lives.   They work with Daraja school for girls in Laikipia and asked us to film a visit from the two dentists behind the project.  We put together the film "Changing Lives - Empowering Girls" which can be seen on their website.

Women One - Journey to the centre of self worth

August 07, 2018

Women One is a non-profit dedicated to creating positive change in the lives of women and girls across the globe by giving them opportunities in education and empowerment.  The founder Dayle Haddon travelled with executive director Amy Hepburn to Nanyuki.   We helped them to record a fund-raising piece at the Simama project in Nanyuki which helps street kids get into education. 

"Dream Job" with Sony Germany

June 13, 2018

Ex stunt man turned Entrepreneur Jochen Schweizer owns a huge adventure experience company out of Munich.  The reality TV show “Dream Job” episode 2 was based in Northern Kenya and one of a six part elimination-based “High octane Apprentice” to find a CEO for one of Jochen’s eleven companies.  It was commissioned by Sony Germany and produced locally by Ginger Ink Films.
  Feral's Jimmy Greenwood was locations co-ordinator and manager for the 3 day shoot and the week long pre-production and worked alongside the senior Sony director during the five unit shoot. We led two of the three location scouting trips and managed all of the Northern Rangelands Trust community conservancy locations, also assisting the art department and many other areas.

OkHi - Marketplace Africa

May 21, 2018

Feral joined the CNN team to record a piece for Marketplace Africa on the innovative new location based App, OkHi which aims to create a new addressing system for the developing world in areas with no street names or house numbers.  This address comes with all of the benefits that holding a physical address gives an individual such as bank account and certified mobile phone access.

Tetu Shani - CNN African Voices

April 13, 2018

Tetu Shani is a self-taught singer songwriter from Nairobi who turned down a scholarship at Berkley University to pursue his passion to build the alternative local film music scene in Kenya. 


We directed and filmed a piece for CNN with Quitebright Films Factual production company over two days in four separate locations.  You can view the final edit on CNN by clicking the button below.

Molly.... WOW!

March 03, 2018

Molly Chiang is a Taiwanese model with over half a million Instagram followers.  We produced a shoot at Saruni lodge in Kalama conservancy for an advertisement for Bobbi Brown cosmetics and a lipstick called "Molly Wow"...  Click below to view the ad

Recording VOs for Passion Pictures' VR film for Conservation International

November 29, 2017

Having supported Passion Pictures in finding solutions to their lighting needs during their shoot at Reteti elephant orphanage and Sarara lodge back in August, we were asked to find talent for a Samburu voice over.  The short film "My Africa" follows the story of a young Samburu woman and the challenges faced living in the arid region of Northern Kenya.  It was all shot in 4K 360 VR and can be viewed on a smartphone using a $3 cardboard headset.  We plan to take it out to show all of our Samburu colleagues some time next year after the launch in January.

Interviewing Jean Knight in Watamu

September 11, 2017

We are embarking on a fascinating project to make a film about Captain CWR Knight who was a pioneer of modern day falconry in the 20s and 30s and who was effectively the "first David Attenborough" touring universities and lecture theatres with his films and slides and with a bird of prey on his arm.  The closest one got to wildlife documentaries in those days.

We visited his daughter Jean now 92 with her son Willy Knocker to record some of her memories of her father.  We are still pitching for funding of the film but have received a commitment from the Falconry Heritage Trust for £5,000.  We need another £10,000, so please get in touch with if you have any leads.

Roberts Safaris new website is launched

August 24, 2017

The much anticipated launch of Roberts Safaris new website features our film as a full page loop on their homepage..  and we are sure you will agree - it looks AMAZING!!

Bio Foods

July 11, 2017

Feral were asked by Bio Foods Ltd to take some photographs for their new look website which is due to be launched later in the year.  Bio are a high end dairy product range who are leaps ahead of the competition in Kenya and we were tasked with doing justice to this reputation by creating engaging images for a top end London based web designer.

We set up a photo shoot in Chandarana supermarket Nanyuki to capture the retail side.  We then spent a day at Mount Kenya Safari Club capturing the consumer side.  Then we visited their processing plant in Nairobi before finally visiting their flagship farm near Eldoret to capture the stars of the show - the cows!!

Welcoming Joan Muraya to Feral

June 28, 2017

We are really pleased to announce the arrival of a new team member at Feral.  Joan Muraya will be joining us as an office administrator.  She is a young, vibrant individual with a degree in finance as well as experience in running an office.  She promises to be a great addition to the team.

Mawingu Networks

April 26, 2017

Feral are excited to be partnering with Mawingu Networks who are developing a system to provide affordable internet to rural areas.  We spent two days in Nanyuki and on Tambuzi farm in Burgaret capturing high quality images using a Phase ONE 100 megapixels camera.  Khuzi and Rajul from the branding company Whisper Loud Creations Ltd came from Nairobi to direct the shoot.

This weekend, the first image will be published in an advertisement in the Laikipia County Times.

UNICEF films live on their Facebook Page

March 14, 2017

UNICEF have published the videos which we filmed last year.  One of them, which demonstrates the role of the father in early childhood development (ECD), has already generated over 400,000 hits on their Facebook page.

Grevy's Zebra Trust

February 18, 2017

  In 2017, the Grevy’s Zebra Trust will be celebrating their 10th anniversary and have asked us to put together some films to honour their achievements.  The trust was created in order to conserve the Grevy's zebra (Equus grevyi), a highly endangered species resident of the community range lands of Kenya and Ethiopia.  GZT works to preserve this threatened animal and its fragile habitat in partnership with the communities which cohabit these areas, incorporating the interests of both humans and animals in all of its programs, since their existences are inextricably linked.

    We spent five days this month in the drought-stricken Westgate Conservancy, filming ‘scouts’ (locally employed people who protect and monitor Grevy’s Zebra) collecting data as well as interviews.  Eunice then went back later in the month to film two orphan Grevy's which are being cared for by the community under the trust's guidance.  There are many fascinating projects being undertaken by the trust - you can read more on the link below.

   Please also check back to see the films as the project will be on-going this year.  We are very excited and proud to be a part of this great organisation.

One Tree Per Child

October 10, 2016

Mount Kenya Trust have commissioned us to make a promotional piece about the amazing work that they do protecting Mount Kenya and its people, forests and wildlife.  We went with them to one of the schools that they support to film the pupils planting trees.  MKT are supporting the global movement “One Tree Per Child” and work closely with the teachers in conservation education.

We then went to visit the mobile clinic, which was set up in a church and from where they offer health checks, free HIV testing, family planning advice and long term contraceptive implants.

Two new Media Assistants at Feral Film

September 14, 2016

After much discussion and debate, we have been unable to choose between our two final candidates for the position of Media Assistant and had no option but to employ them both!!

So we are delighted to welcome on board Eunice Leshimpiro and Eugene Kaiga.  Eunice graduated from the Kenya Institute of Mass Communication whilst Eugene studied Broadcast journalism at Star Media Institute, and communication at Andrew Crawford Media School.  They have both relocated from Nairobi to live in Nanyuki and promise to inject a vibrant energy into the studio.

The Great Grevy's Ball

September 02, 2016

Throughout August we were taking applications for a role as media assistant for Feral Film and conducted interviews on the 2nd September.  The following evening, we took the three best candidates up to the Grevy’s Zebra ball at Mount Kenya Safari Club where they were set a task with two cameras and a laptop of creating a short film of the evening.

The event was held as a fund-raiser and to release the figures gathered during the Great Grevy’s Rally in January of this year.  There was a large buffet dinner with speeches and an auction of artwork.  The evening was rounded off with some live music and enthusiastic dancing.

It was a great success and we are looking forward to working further with the Grevy’s Zebra Trust over the next year which is their 10th anniversary.  We also recognised two stand out candidates for the position at Feral - it will be tough to choose between them...

Filming Safari Simbaz cycling on Borana ranch

August 28, 2016

We are putting together a film to promote next year’s 10 to 4 mountain bike race which raises funds for the Mount Kenya Trust.  To complement the footage which we took in February of this year’s race, we spent a morning on Borana filming ground shots of David Kinjah and his Safari Simbaz cycling the ridge between Borana and Ngare Ndare.  The ridge was introduced into the race this year and was greeted with mixed enthusiasm due to the technical difficulty.  There was however no question as to the beauty of the location and it made for some stunning imagery shot from the Tropic Air chopper.  The promo film is due for release in October.

David Kinjah has won the event several times.  He is heralded as being the inspiration for Tour de France champion Chris Froome in his early days when they trained together, cycling the Kenyan highlands fuelled by bananas bought from the road side.

Cosmo work experience

August 24, 2016

For the month of August, we had the pleasure of welcoming Cosmo Wellings into the team.  On a break between school and a foundation course at Richmond art college, he spent a full month with us working on various Film Foundation projects including Borana rhino conservancy and Mount Kenya Trust.  When not falling off his boda boda (local 100cc motorcycle), he redesigned our website to a create cleaner, less congested platform.  He also spent time with the Borana rangers with a camera, capturing some great images for them to use in their film.  He also went up to the Mount Kenya Trust ranger station to collect footage of their mounted horse patrols for an upcoming promotional film which we are making for them.

We welcome our new operations manager, Louisa

June 30, 2016

We are delighted to welcome on board Louisa Rendall on a full time basis.  She has been doing some freelance work for us over the past weeks and we are delighted that she has agreed to join us full time.

Louisa was born in Kenya, and grew up not far from Nanyuki. Though she has lived in Kenya most of her life, she has worked and studied in the US.  She has degrees from Antioch College, the Art Institute of California, and the Humane Society University in Washington D.C. where she attained a Graduate Certificate in Animal Studies.

Early on in her career Louisa worked as a fine artist and art curator, later shifting her focus to journalism. She is deeply passionate about local Kenyan culture and conservation and we are sure will prove a valuable member of our team. 

She will take on the role of operations manager, coordinating all of Feral Film Productions work.  She has also been tasked with finding us a media assistant – a role for which we will be taking applications in August.

Feral Film Productions' new studio opens

May 31, 2016

In June, we officially opened the new studio and office space at le Rustique on Mount Kenya Road in Nanyuki.  Complete with a soundproof recording booth and three extra desks for sub-editors / interns and set in the peaceful gardens of the restaurant, it is an ideal working environment. 

We welcome anyone who would like to come in and say hi on their way for a massage, Pilates class or to buy a bottle of wine (our three neighbouring enterprises!).  Le Rustique also make arguably the best cappuccinos in Nanyuki and have a very tempting menu throughout the day with weekly specials.

Filming for UNICEF PSAs

May 25, 2016

At the end of May, we were asked to film for two days in Nairobi for some UNICEF public service announcements.  One day was spent in an orphanage filming an actor and an actress interacting with the babies for two short films to raise awareness about the importance of eye contact and physical interaction in early development.  The second day was spent filming a dancer in a studio at the Go Down who was representing the torment and anguish of an adult who had been abused as child.  The edited films are due for broadcast later this year.

The Giants Club Summit

May 18, 2016

April was a huge month for Feral Film Foundation. The Giants Club Summit, which took place in Nanyuki from the 28th to the 30th of April, was a unique gathering organised to combat the elephant poaching crisis.
  It brought together visionary leaders of African elephant range states, enlightened heads of businesses operating in Africa, and the finest elephant protection experts in the world. Feral Film Productions were brought into the project as the official videographers of the event, by the international conservation charity Space for Giants.
  We also put together a series of short films in the run up to the event which went out across all social media channels, generating many thousands of hits.
  This project is still ongoing, as FFP continues to create inspiring and important video clips for social media related to the summit and The Giants Club’s subsequent work in continuing to protect elephants.

Christening the sound proof booth in the new studio space

March 20, 2016

Today we welcomed Joan Wandegi of Laikipia Wildlife Forum to try out our new sound booth.  She needed to record a narration for a piece promoting the LWF which had been shot by a Hollywood film director whilst out on safari.  Still under construction and in need of a lick of paint, the booth worked perfectly and Joan nailed her script in no time.  She was so good in fact that we booked her for a voice over at the beginning of May.  We later discovered that her sister is in fact a professional voice over artist!!

Ironwood Africa's Portfolio and Website

March 30, 2016

In March of this year, we were asked to create a photographic portfolio of structures and interiors built by Ironwood Africa. Headed up by its founder Ben Jackson, Ironwood Africa is the creative team responsible for some of the most impressive residential constructions in East Africa.  Almost all of Ironwood Africa’s building materials are created in the workshop at Turaco farm, Nanyuki, and utilise hand-rendered materials of wood, stone, and metal.
The resulting images of our time spent photographing the various properties are now live on Ironwood’s website which we also designed.  Hopefully we have succeeded in doing justice to the stunning work set to a backdrop of serene, Northern Kenya landscapes.

Work begins on new studio

February 16, 2016

We have taken a new studio space at Le Rustique restaurant in Nanyuki.  The first job is to build a sound proof recording booth at minimal cost.  We have enlisted the assistance of one Mama Irene - a legendary mud hut construction guru.  She came with her partner who built a wooden frame and we collected just the right type of soil from a known spot not far away.  She has spent two days treading the soil with water to make mud of the ideal consistency for ramming into the chicken wire and wood framework.

Click below for a snippet of Mama Irene in action on Instagram.

10 to 4 Mountain bike challenge with Tropic Air

February 12, 2016

The 10 to 4 Mountain Bike Challenge has been held annually since 2002. It began when a small group of enthusiastic mountain bikers cycled from 10,000ft above sea level down the slopes of Mount Kenya to Il Ngwezi at 4,000ft. Now held over three consecutive days, routes are designed to challenge the most ardent mountain bike riders, while providing options suitable for everyone, including beginners and children.
In February of this year, the Feral Film Foundation was asked to create a promotional film for Tropic Air, a leading air charter company in Nanyuki specializing in air charters and flying safaris. Tropic Air has historically provided air support and rescue facilities for the 10 to 4 events. It was a great opportunity to capture wonderful footage of the charter company at work, all from the stunning perspective of a low-flying helicopter.
The 10 to 4 raises funds for the conservation projects of the Mount Kenya Trust, including the reforestation of more than 2,000 hectares of Mount Kenya's National Reserve.

Great Grevy's Zebra Rally

January 30, 2016

Feral Films were delighted to be invited to participate in the Great Grevy’s Rally (GGR) which took place in January of 2016. The GGR is a national census of Grevy's zebra. On 30 and 31 January, scientists, landowners and conservancy managers were joined by members of the public as they drove through designated areas in Laikipia and photographed each Grevy's zebra that they encountered with a GPS-enabled digital camera.
  Each Grevy's zebra has a unique stripe pattern, which allows scientists to identify the individual. The geotagged photographs were then processed by the Image Based Ecological Information System (IBEIS), which identified the animal as well as its age and sex, and recorded the time of observation and location.
  The results will be released at the beginning of September and Feral Film have been asked to document the occasion and also the fund-raising ball which will be held on September 3rd at Mount Kenya Safari Club.

FFF images in Wild Philanthropy article by Sophy Roberts published in the FT

December 17, 2015

Click below for article!

Return to Tongweland

October 15, 2015

From 8th to 15th October, Feral films went to Tanzania to take photographs for Sophy Roberts as she wrote a story for the Financial Times about Will Jones and his new concept "Wild Philanthropy" with Roland Purcell.  The first two nights were spent up in the Ntakata forest learning about the Tongwe Trust and their work there, followed by the inimitable luxury of Greystoke Mahale on the shores of Lake Tanganyika.

Japanese Dolphin Day 2015

August 31, 2015

The annual slaughter is about to begin again.



From September 1st to the end of March, fishermen will be capturing and slaughtering thousands of wild dolphins in the name of pest control..


They will be herded into a small coastal town in Japan, now infamously known as The Cove. The hunters capture an entire pod at a time in order to satisfy the international demand for captive dolphins in the entertainment industry. The prettiest dolphins are picked and sent to aquariums and marine parks worldwide.


The remaining dolphins are killed by having a metal rod hammered into their blowhole. This technique leaves the dolphins partially paralysed, drowning painfully in the blood of their own family members.


Dolphin "meat" contains dangerous levels of Mercury- the most brain toxic element on the planet. In Taiji they sell it to feed school children.


Dolphins are not "pests" - They are highly intelligent and social higher mammals which choose to migrate past Japan. The low fish numbers in the coastal waters are due to obvious over-fishing by humans. Not dolphins.


Please vote with your feet and boycott marine parks featuring "entertainment" with captive whales and dolphins.


Make sure that you watch the movies Blackfish (2013) and The Cove (2009) to see the truth behind the captive marine mammal industry.


For more information, like the Facebook pages of “Ric O'Barry's Dolphin Project”, “Sea Shepherd Cove Guardians Page (official)” and “Save Japan Dolphins”.

After you, Cecil

July 30, 2015

Since the tragic killing of Cecil, there have been numerous different arguments and opinions on managing severely depleted wild lion populations.  All angles on trophy hunting, culling, poaching and conservation are flying around social media, blogs and on "mainstream" news channels.


The key fact on which to focus has to be that 'in the field' lion conservation programmes do need regular financing. In countries with corrupt governments and improper regulation, trophy hunting cannot sustain the funding required.

Tourism can work in helping conservation, but only in cases where the beneficiaries include the local communities. It is the residents who live near the protected areas who are in a position to prevent the human lion conflict - a conflict which accounts for a far more rapid decline than the odd sadistic dentist.

As with pheasant-rearing woodland coppices that provide protection to hundreds of species of British wildlife, vast areas of wildlife habitat in Africa are protected because they are hunting blocks. These hunting blocks are also not necessarily areas which are as aesthetically pleasing for photographic tourism... and preventing agriculture from moving in at least sustains some more habitat - not just for lion.

It is a complicated situation but the bottom line should not be a witch hunt for a sick dentist with a bow and arrow. The momentum caused by the horror of Cecil's death should serve to increase donations to the right areas and put pressure on tighter regulations in those existing hunting blocks.


So who should be the beneficiary of your donation in the wake of the horrific death of a magnificent lion?  I see that Nat Geo have used the event to promote their £5 high five big cat fundraiser and already have Arnie on board. Will be interesting to see who will follow suit in the next few days. With shades of the great ALSA Ice bucket scam, the Nat Geo channel is run by 21st century Fox which immediately turns me off for obvious reasons.  Whilst they claim to be funded solely by donations... how much of their budget goes to high level salaries? I don't know. But maybe Rupert Murdoch (or his sons) should be encouraged to give some of their $13 (and some) billion directly to wildlife conservation?


Better to focus on grass roots conservation projects such as Ewaso Lions which is run in the Samburu National Park, or established, respected partners with low administrative overheads who manage small projects hands on.  Fauna and Flora International, Tusk Trust, Space for Giants all have lion conservation projects.  


Don't sign a petition to skin a dentist.  Give a few quid to a needy and worthy cause.


After you, Cecil.

Wildbond Foundation Kenya Visit

July 09, 2015

For a week in July, Feral Film Foundation joined the Space for Giants team who were hosting the Wildbond Foundation on a reconnaissance trip from Hong Kong.  They are a start up design company aiming to enter at the highest level.  Their designs are inspired by nature, in particular endangered wildlife, who they aim to assist through funding direct action.  We were asked to film their four days in the field to make a short film to show their donors.

We visited Ol Pejeta Conservancy where they spent time with the rapid response unit, including a training exercise with the attack dog unit.  They saw the last male Northern White rhino, Sudan, who is in an enclosure waiting for the next move to try to save his sub-species.  They learnt about all of the problems facing the local communities with living close to a wildlife reserve and how Space for Giants are working to resolve these issues.

On Loisaba they learnt about the need to monitor elephant herd movements and participated in a successful collaring operation of a female in a migrant herd.

The Milgis Trust

May 21, 2015

In early March, Feral Film's Jimmy Greenwood and Stefano Cassini travelled to the Milgis valley between the Ndoto mountains and the Matthews range in Northern Kenya. Helen Douglas Dufresne has been operating camel safaris in the area since 1989.  Together with generous patrons, she and her partner Pete Ilsley started the Milgis Trust in 2004 to help the pastoral communities of the area. 


  The people had lost sight of their traditional values of conservation and the idea is to assist them to rediscover that and encourage wildlife to return to the area.  They have worked with donors, primarily the Voss Foundation of Norway to provide clean, sustainable drinking water projects away from wildlife areas.  They also have a dam building unit which is used to construct pan dams to catch rain water which can be used by livestock and wildlife alike.  They have also helped with education and healthcare in the region and have a mobile clinic to reach remote communities.  The clinic provides, medical, veterinary and family planning services.


Feral Film Foundation are making a film for the Milgis Trust to use for fund-raising purposes which will be posted online in May.

Mountain biking 220km through conservation areas for Borana Conservancy's Rhino project

September 24, 2014

In order to raise more funds for Save the Rhino and specifically for the Borana Conservancy project with the Feral Film Foundation, from Friday 26th to Sunday 28th September 2014, Jimmy Greenwood will be cycling 220 kilometres as part of the Rift Valley Odyssey.  It is an off road mountain biking route with ascent of around 3000 metres in total. 


Please visit the Just Giving page to read more about the Borana conservancy and donate to help make the rhino rangers film project happen.


DAY 1 - Friday - 96km - 1,550m ascent

The route starts on the shores of Lake Naivasha where Jimmy helped to set up a wildlife sanctuary from 1996 to 1999 - including the translocation of six white rhino from Lewa Wildlife Conservancy.  The route passes through part of this sanctuary now known as Oserangoni.  After crater lake sanctuary, the route navigates a network of small farms then climbs steeply up the slopes of Mount Eburu and down the other side to camp on Soysambu Conservancy.


DAY 2 - Saturday - 78km - 1,320m ascent

Starts with a long steep climb back up the forested slopes of Mount Eburu. At the top of the main climb is a 10km route through ancient indigenous forest, passing 50 volcanic craters before a fast descent back down onto Soysambu plains and back to camp.


DAY 3 - Sunday - 78km - 800m ascent

The final day navigates farmland on the way to the lower slopes of the Mau escarpment and down into Lake Nakuru National Park, where 11 of Borana's black rhino came from last September.  The final stretch is amongst densely populated wildlife across the plains and into adjoining Soysambu conservancy.

Cycling 100 miles for Borana Conservancy and Save the Rhino International

August 01, 2014

On 10th August, I will complete a 100 mile bike ride to raise money for the FFF's ongoing film-making and educational project on Borana Rhino Conservancy.


Below is a five minute extract from the ongoing film project on Borana Conservancy, showing some translocation footage from when the rhino arrived last year. 

The funds raised from the cycle ride will go towards training up rangers from the community local to Borana in film making techniques.  They will also be trained in how to engage in social media and crowd-funding websites to tell their own story for independent fund-raising for the projects which are important to them. - essentially the road race route of the London 2012 Olympics.



Hopefully living at 7000 feet on the slopes of Mount Kenya will help me tackle Box Hill!


Please make the blood, sweat and inevitable tears worth it by donating here.


Thank You,


Feral Film Foundation and the Tongwe Trust on Lake Tanganyika

June 17, 2014

FFF has just returned from a week on the shores of Lake Tanganyika, far western Tanzania, teaching basic film-making skills.  Firstly at Greystoke Mahale camp where the resident guides are keen to improve their skills and assist Nomad Tanzania in creating short podcasts to keep their followers informed.


Subsequently, we spent four days in Katumbi village training up a member of the Tongwe Trust, Kudra Katensi in using a new video camera purchased using funds from the auction of two wildlife prints at the FFF exhibition of Jimmy Greenwood's photography in London earlier this year. 


The image above is that of Seifu Lusesa, a Mtwale (vice-chief) of a clan of the Batongwe who is 105 years of age.  We interviewed him to get his feedback on how life has changed for the tribe over the decades.

Feral Film Foundation Launch this evening 6pm to 9pm

April 08, 2014

Please come to Great Western Studios this evening for a private view of the wildlife photography exhibition plus a brief talk about the foundation, some film and an auction to raise funds for the Tongwe Trust project.  Limited edition prints from £75 will be available to order and large single editions for auction.




There will be GnTs and a Feral cocktail from 6pm using Elephant Gin who donate 15% of all of their sales to elephant conservation.  They are donating some of their latest tweaked product straight from the distillery in Germany.


There will be a brief presentation and some film shown from 7:30

Food will be available from 6 till 9 from the restaurant at the exhibition space which also has a fully stocked bar.


We look forward to seeing you there!!

Feral Film Foundation launch in London 10th April 2014

March 10, 2014

On Thursday 10th April at Great Western Studios, London W2, there will be an evening of film, photography and an auction.

An exhibition of African wildlife prints by Jimmy Greenwood will be running from 8th to 13th April with an auction of the large single editions on the 10th.  The funds raised from the auction will be donated to Fauna & Flora International for a project in Tanzania partnering with the Tongwe Trust.  Founder of the Tongwe Trust Roland Purcell will be conducting the auction.

Please come for 6pm - the presentation and auction will begin at 7:30

Lewa Wildlife Conservancy

March 02, 2014

This is a Film made by Feral Film Productions in 2009 and updated in 2012 and again in 2013.


The Nature Conservancy recorded the core of the footage in 2008, taking in elements of the workings of the reserve and the community projects surrounding Lewa.  With an already extensive library of stock footage from Lewa in their archives, Feral Film went in during 2009 to conduct more interviews, gather specific wildlife footage and edit the piece.  The purpose of the film was to raise funds of over $20 million for the purchase of the underlying assets of the 62,000 acre conservancy in order to secure it in a trust in perpetuity via a land deal brokered by the Nature Conservancy. 

The film debuted on 1st October 2009 at The Explorer's Club in New York on 1st October 2009 and subsequently DVDs featuring extra chapters were distributed through Lewa USA for individuals to conduct their own fund-raising evenings.

In December 2011 the deal went through.

Halloween Premiere for "Hairy Pouter and the Machine of the Fatal Flaws"

October 28, 2011

The Premiere for "Hairy Pouter and the Machine of the Fatal Flaws was held at Natsworthy Farm house on Dartmoor.  The entire cast and crew were present and DVDs were given to everyone in attendance.  We would like to thank everyone for attending and for their patience in the 3 plus year of post-production and trust that it was worth the wait?!!  (Guess you had to be there...) 

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